The Concept

The proposal aims to respond to the surrounding context and improve the spaces around the building.


The improvements to the public spaces include:

  A waterside walkway: The access point to the walkway is opened up, by removing the existing building and opening up a wider pathway to the water, creating a clear view across the water.

  Improved accessibility: The steps on the walkway are removed as part of the works to create level access for all users.

  Better relationship to neighbours: The new development is set away from the Western boundary, to open up this space to the neighbouring residential buildings to improve their outlook.

  Sunlight for neighbours: The new proposal is set to the Waterside edge to avoid overshadowing the neighbouring buildings.

Here you can see how the improvements will be achieved:


The landscape plans..

  Widen and improve the walkway to The Ham: we will open up the walkway to The Ham, improving public space for pedestrians, and creating a new view to Syon Park.

  Strengthen the link to the water: we will strengthen the visual and physical links to the water, opening up a piece of public space between the building and the road bridge to the east.

  Improve the waterside space: we will widens the walkway at the bend in the river to provide improved public space. This south-facing space has excellent views along the river, and opens up to the communal amenity space and planting on the site, between the blocks.

Here you can how the landscape plans will be achieved:

We are working with respected energy consultants to progress these principles and the full planning submission will deal fully with the technical elements required to target Net Zero Carbon, the reduction of Whole Lifecycle Carbon and circular economy principles, amongst others.

The site is located on the waterside, on the edge of The Brentford Project development and adjacent to existing residential buildings. Here is a heights comparison guide to the existing homes and the new building.


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